Tuesday 10 May 2011

Creating a Valley - Colorado River

Article Mash Up

Oprah Winfrey, the monarch of daytime television knows that Lady Gaga is not a lady that will hold her tongue on a matter she does not like. Avatar of the national psyche and high priestess of the self-empowerment movement, Oprah has ruled the daytime airwaves by inviting celebrities and statesmen to her couch for friendly tête-à-têtes, including Ives, the man who is responsible for Apple's amazing ability to dazzle and delight with its famous products. Shambling onto the stage the Senior Vice-President for Industrial Design slouched unfabulously in his seat and quietly answered questions as he refused to trumpet his own design prowess.

When talking to Oprah, Lady Gaga admitted it is becoming ever harder for an individual to command a common audience of shared interests and empathy. This has become a very controversial topic. Lady Gaga went on to say that she thinks unique creativity with the nuts-and-bolts required to make beautiful things has given way to role models that influence others. Power brokering immigration laws, Lady Gaga even went as far as to cancel a concert that she had scheduled in Arizona in protest. None of this was very glamorous, especially for a famous, but reluctant celebrity.

Winfrey’s amazing ability to dazzle and delight has a close relationship with Lady Gaga’s über-personality. Her active role in changing lives is not just as a means to win creative kudos but a way to earn billions of dollars. Experts in the music industry critcised this move but already something of a legend in British design circles Lady Gaga has the power to seize Winfrey's crown.