Sunday 27 February 2011

Creative Work: 'Memento Mori' - Jacqueline Lindeman

This collection of graphite drawings comprised a significant portion of my HSC visual arts body of work. The material process of these drawings were considerably influenced by the renowned Australian artist, William Delafield Cook, whose work reflects a deep felt association with the European artistic traditions of meticulous realism – the style for which he is best known. Collectively, they explore humans’ perception of their own mortality, alluding to the variety of religious, cultural, social and spiritual responses to the inevitability of our mortality.
 Technically, it is the exaggerated use of tone, and the employment of significant contrast between shadow, highlight and lowlight that not only enhances the perspective of the drawings but increases their emotional intensity. Indeed, coupled with a sense of selectivity in terms of the tightly cropped nature of the individual drawings, the drawings are emblematic of our ability to produce emotive images that encourage a subjective response from an audience, through the implementation of subtle technical decisions.

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